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The fairy are not only in fairy tale…

16 years ago…

A girl who sang a random song, her teacher gave her a title in her class. It was “a deputy class monitor in charge of students' movements” and that's when she started to embark on "showbiz life”. At that time, her teacher believed her unconditionally even though she didn't know why. She took me to beautiful handwriting contests, singing performances and all competitions who a child as her joined in. One day, she caused “a shocking thing”: she went to school but did not write any words in her notebooks during a semester and even she may be expelled. After the process of apologizing from her parents, finally, her teacher took her to her teacher's home and forced her to write all assignments that she was lazy in 4 months. Thanks to her teacher, she continued to go to school...

10 years ago…

The girl took part in an excellent student team in Literature, but she didn't get any achievements. When she intended to give up, her teacher who taught her in Literature said “There is no achievement doesn’t mean you are not good, a flower will bloom when the time is ready. Remember that you are always good and you have to be a good Literature teacher in the future”. During that time, her teacher helped her a lot with hearted guidance but unfortunately, she didn't “bloom" before he was gone forever. And that girl in the next 10 years doesn't become a teacher as her teacher desired

7 years ago…

When the girl completely gave up Literature and the girl lived like a recluse, on a beautiful day, her essay was the highest score in her class and her teacher required her to take part in an excellent student class for Literature. It was the last year in high school, she allowed herself to try for the last time because she had nothing to lose. She wished nothing more than to be bloomed and luckily she did. She got a “small" achievement in her city for Literature. After the continuous learning and effort, she tasted the sweet taste of success and opened up a different path of her writing

Every person was born as a white blank page and how this white page turned into any colors is entirely dependent on these people who they met. Many inspirational quotes like “Your life depends on you and your choices" are only suitable for adults, those who enough to knowledge as well as bravery. But for kids, they are not decisive and need adults to trust and to teach them. Even though a little girl in the above story had many mistakes and she was unruly and untalented, but she is very lucky to have met the teachers who always believed in her, always gave her some advice and helped her grow up. Today, a little girl transformed herself into a girl who always believe in herself.

The teachers day has come, hopefully her teachers are still fine, hopefully those who want to be a teacher will always patient enough to teach children, trust enough to put their faith in their students and generous enough to forgive all faults.

No exaggeration when people respected teaching and teaching is the best profession. It is not only a profession of teaching but also a profession of spreading living skills and even maybe it will change completely the life of a child.

A teacher can be a fairy or a witch in every fairy tale in every life of every person but no matter what character they are, they play a very important role in the plot of everyone's fairy tale.

I hope that every child can see the fairies are so real....

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