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Depression & the turn back of society

Updated: Nov 11, 2019

On December 2017, when Jong hyun (Shinee's member) passed away because his depression, I wrote an article that named as “Where the limit of pain is", this reminded myself to do not turn away people that asking my help, but sometimes because of busy work that I could not take care of them, luckily, all of them are still fine. However, when the girl in this picture ended her life by killing herself when she was only 25 years old, it made me shudder. It's not only one Jong hyun or one Sulli but also millions of young people who having mental illness, are quietly finding their own salvation

“Mental Health" and “Depression" are two phrases that I discussed the most in many international conferences, meetings and that's also the topic that I'm interested in. Why? Because every time I search this information on Google, I’m freaking out as the number of people got mental problems are increasing every year. According to WHO statistics, one in four people in the world will be affected by mental or neurological disorders at some point in their lives. These number makes me really shocked because in Vietnam, I have never had lessons that help mental patients overcome their disease or sadly when I search on Google, many articles or communications almost write very short, and they say depression is an anxiety status...It's like a patient got sick by their own

One in four people in the world will be affected by mental or neurological disorders at some point in their lives.

I'm sorry for the government is not giving any support for this disease. However, the most frightening thing is the turn back of society for patients who are suffering from. After JongHyun passed away, I've accidentally read a series of status such as why his thought was so negative, be positive or why he didn’t think of his family and his friends (?!) but they have not asked a question for themselves why someone that has everything from talent, money to appearance, made an end - of - life decision for himself and chose the way how to live in everyone's thoughts forever

People often give priority to “material values” like money, power or these diseases can be diagnosed easily by several medical methods and forget “spiritual values" as soul, personality or diseases that hidden deep in the soul of each person, it is difficult to identify. Who knows that the physical wounds can be healed by time but the psychological wounds are not, it's going to be a scar that sound in their minds forever.

“Everyone loves you when you’re dead", this saying really hurts me a lot, I’m sad for the deceased, for the society are increasingly focused on judgement, criticism, harsh words that they have never listened to anyone. When the celebrities passed away, a bunch of people say the merciful words to them, but some time later, they moved the cruel act to a new audience, so the "depression" virus spread out. So terrible was everybody’s empathy that thousands of people are killing themselves and getting a miserable life

In new Joker movie, the saying that haunt me until now is “The worst part about having a mental illness is people expect you to behave as if you don’t. It was asking too much from a mental patient but they do not know that the only method to repel this disease is when they see depression as a disease like any other disease and have a more understanding view for them. Now all I can do is pray, pray for myself, pray for those who had silent pains and they can easily overcome it and pray for no more Jong Hyun or Sulli in this world is forgotten again...

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